EFT Tapping

What is EFT or Tapping?

EFT, also known as Tapping, is a gentle and easy process that releases blockages in the flow of energy. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping, can help you feel better, make desired changes in your life, and create the life you really want. While a simple technique, it is scientific, combining modern psychology and Chinese acupuncture; the actual tapping sequence was developed by a psychologist and simplified by an engineer in the 90s.

Why is Tapping so popular?

EFT releases blocks so you can get on with feeling better and making the changes you want in your life. I help you get to the core of what’s disturbing or getting in the way, and guide you through a series of meridian tapping points designed to relieve and release those key concerns.

I know it defies logic, but there’s truly no limit to what can be transformed with EFT. Emotional difficulties like anxiety and grief, physical symptoms like pain and sleep troubles, and also undesired behaviors or feelings of stuckness. Clients typically experience a significant reduction or complete release of unwanted feelings and symptoms. For some, it’s never an issue again, for others, there are more layers (especially for old, deep stuff) that need worked through.

What’s so amazing about the process is that it requires little effort, is low-tech, and affordable….but creates a transformative effect like no other.

How does it work?

EFT Tapping often works quickly—a single session can lead to breakthroughs and results are usually long lasting. Most people come to EFT Tapping to address anxiety, stress, and depression, and it is very effective in helping people find relief and often big shifts. But EFT Tapping also works to free up blocks rooted in the unconscious. Examples include: 1) patterns that you can't seem to break, 2) dreams and goals you've been trying to achieve for a long time and there's some invisible barrier, 3) the thing you really want but keep putting off and procrastinating, 4) something from your past that still angers you when you think about it or talk about it, 5) negative chatter that turns over in your mind that you can't seem to control or quiet, and 6) any area of your life where you are not experiencing what you want and need.

EFT Tapping can be combined in a session with Reiki, and the two are a very powerful duo for healing.

What's an EFT Tapping session like?

The technique is gentle and easy and I guide you through the process. You don’t have to memorize anything, or know the points in advance. I’ll show you and do it with you. You use your fingers to tap eight points that include the top of the head, face, collarbone, and under the arm. If you are unable to tap all or some of the points on your body, I’ll guide you through additional options.

Why do EFT?

The body can hold disturbances that impact our daily lives including phobias, anger, depression, grief, guilt, anxiety, and fears, to name a few. There may also be physical symptoms like pain, headaches, asthma, sleep troubles and tension that are related to the emotions. In fact, it is believed that any symptom or imbalance, and any area of your life where you are not experiencing total wholeness and joy, there is a corresponding blockage in the flow of energy through the meridian system. The meridian system is the interface between the energy field and the body. EFT relieves most disturbances, and is reported to provide remarkable results (80% or better) where other techniques fail.

Some examples of areas that have been successfully cleared using Emotional Freedom Technique:

  • Anxiety, stress, depression

  • Fear

  • Grief

  • Disappointment and loss

  • Emotional trauma from abuse, accidents, war experiences

  • Disturbing emotions, such as shame, guilt, and anger

  • Disturbing and self-defeating thought patterns

  • Addictive patterns like eating, hoarding, and smoking

  • Insomnia and disturbed sleep

  • Emotions related to physical conditions

  • Things that don't respond to logic like procrastination, cravings, and patterns of undesired and self-defeating behavior

  • Release of limitations and limited thinking for the improvement of career, relationships, personal goals, and creativity


What if I have traumas or blocks that I don't remember or understand, or it's too disturbing to talk about?

With EFT Tapping, not every emotion or condition needs to be known or verbalized, as all that we experience and have experienced is interwoven. It's like starting with a leaf or a twig, and trying to get to the root. What we find when we look at the tree is that every branch is connected to the trunk, and every part of the tree leads to the roots. Just like the interconnectedness of the tree, the energy-body can store seemingly unrelated blocks and conditions, and they may clear simultaneously.

How often do I need to do EFT Tapping?

Energetic imbalances may be partially or completely relieved within a short time using EFT Tapping, and a single session can bring tremendous shifts. Clients typically schedule 3 or more sessions for a more complete and lasting transformation. With a little practice, I can show you how to continue the process of EFT Tapping for yourself beyond our sessions together. It's very powerful and can give you more personal control and freedom from blocks. EFT Tapping requires no special tools and can be done anywhere, anytime. I've been doing EFT Tapping on myself for 17 years and can attest to it's amazing transformation. It's a positive and quick approach to total wholeness.