Tidy Home, Clear Mind

In Marie Kondo's super popular bestseller, The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up, she reveals the key to decluttering and transforming your life—keep only what sparks joy in your heart. How the heck do you know what sparks your joy? Kondo insists the moment you touch it, you'll know.

Her approach is a radical one. Instead of better storage tactics and more bins which she states actually increases hoarding, she urges us to examine our emotions. “When we really delve into the reasons for why we can’t let something go, there are only two: an attachment to the past or a fear for the future.”

The bulk of the labor in decluttering and getting rid of things, cleaning and tidying is one of psychology. The outer world is a reflection and always in relationship with the inner world. So, to change our environment at work and home, to “clear” them of negative energy and physical clutter, we bring our minds into awareness.

Surrounding ourselves with what we love requires that we examine our attachments and in doing so, we can really live our lives, fully right now. And, Kondo says, “As a result, you can see quite clearly what you need in life and what you don't, and what you should and shouldn't do."