Self-Care for Inner Calm

Have you ever had the experience in which your mind plays the Should Game (you should have ____) but your feelings are telling you something different? Insert example here: "You should have gone to the holiday party," says the Mind. "But I don't want to go," says the Pit in the Stomach and the Knot in my Right Shoulder.

Your feelings are the road map to your life--it's the way our bodies communicate with us. But most of us have learned our feelings aren't to be trusted, at best to be ignored, and we let the monkey mind and inner critic run the show. Meanwhile, our body is nudging us toward the truth we already know deep down. Always nudging us toward harmony, joy, and freedom.

Below are self-care tips for listening and honoring our innate inner wisdom.

1) Feel Your Feelings: Note the feeling that comes up. Where do you feel it in your body? What might it be showing you? Can you feel the feelings even if you think they're "bad" like anger and sadness?

2) Honor Your Feelings: See if you can allow the feeling to be present without any self-judgment or criticism. Can you accept the way you feel and not "talk yourself" out of the feeling? Can you allow the presence of the feeling without it defining you?

3) Keep It Flowing: Allow the feeling to flow through you, as a healthy stream flows. A simple way to move energy is through breath. Here's an example: on your in-breath, imagine breathing in healing light energy. On your out-breath, imagine breathing out anything that isn't serving you. You can also breathe into the place in your body where you feel stuck energy, intending to soften and release what needs to go.

When we listen to, honor, and follow our inner wisdom, we create balance and harmony in our body and life.