Holistic Care for Children & Teens


I recently worked with a young teen whose mother had tried other treatments with little effect. She came to me for holistic energy work and her son was on board; the necessary ingredient. He reported immediate relief of symptoms and overall positive change (to the somewhat surprise and joy of his mother). Then a few days later the New York Times published a feature piece on teens and anxiety.

Anxiety affects one-third of all adults and children, now the most common mental health disorder in the U.S., and hospital admissions for suicidal teens have doubled in the past ten years. It was then I realized how few are the healing options for children and teens aside from psychotherapy and medication, which can help but doesn't reach or work for all kids.

But what to do? More parents and school programs are using meditation and mindfulness practices for kids and studies have shown good results. Insight Timer is free, popular, and can be used by the whole family. There's also Mindfulness for Children and several more in this review in Goop of Calming Children's Apps.

Holistic care that is non-invasive, gentle, and calming such as Reiki and Tapping are reported to alleviate anxiety, help with mood regulation, reset the nervous system, and provide simple yet powerful tools for self-care. That's why I'm offering a special package this month focused on Holistic Care for Children and Teens--to offer another option effective on its own and complimentary to other treatments. Easy to try out with a $65 single session (valued at $90) or a package of 3 for $180 (valued at $270) which you can upgrade to after a single session. If you're not sure, let's chat to see if this is a good fit.


Super Easy & Successful Anxiety Reducing Tips for Children & Teens!

These are tips I've used and shared with others. While adults can benefit too, I've designed these for children and teens. It's empowering to have easy DIY things to feel better and get quick relief!

1. Count Your Breath
Gentle breath in to the count of 5, gentle breath out to the count of 5. Repeat. Young children may want more like 3 counts. Why does it work: Puts you in the present moment. Gives a structure to the breath. Brings more oxygen to the brain. Creates a calming effect throughout the body.

2. Ground Like A Tree
Stand or sit. Take a gentle, deep breath. Imagine yourself as a tree. Feel your feet and legs as roots extending downward. Go as deep and far into the earth as you'd like. Feel yourself strong, rooted, and flexible. Any time you're feeling out of sorts, imagine your tree. Why does it work: Puts you in the moment. Gives a grounding anchor that's felt immediately. Provides a centering tool that can be called up at any moment with just a thought of the tree.

3. Go To A Happy Place
Recall a happy moment or someplace you really have fun. Imagine yourself there right now. What do you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel? You can even make it up. Make it as wonderful and happy as you can imagine. This is a happy place that you can return to anytime, in an instant. Why does it work: Shifts negative thoughts and experiences to a positive one. Brings immediate relief, even a smile or laugh, by conjuring the associated happy place. 

(Photo by Alexis Brown)