We The Healers


Do you believe you're here for a reason? That you have a specific, unique, only-in-this-time-and-place-right-now purpose and gift? This is an ancient belief that endures today—that we each possess an energetic signature that will never be duplicated and we are here to grow into form the seed we were born to share.

How would it change how we live and die if we believed that both are deliberate and meaningful, even necessary to all of existence?

One of the biggest shifts that would happen: we'd know and believe that we have power, and more specifically the power to heal and offer healing to others. In Reiki and other practices, a central tenet is that the patient is the healer; the practitioner's role is to assist in their healing. We are taught to channel and feel the energy but steer clear of the ego's desire to control it. The entire process is built on recognition and honor of the healer within each person.

If we are our own healers, and also capable of offering healing to each other, why don't we do it more? Most of us are not encouraged to turn first to inner wisdom and sacred connections for our own healing and that of the world. Further, we've been taught there's little we can do to help others or assist the collective problems we face. This is a fallacy, and a dangerous one in which we might give away our power to others deemed more capable or trained.

When we believe that we don't have the capacity to offer healing to others, they miss out on the gift we have to share, and the world misses the opportunity to have more light and love spread. But if we can step into our power, be deliberate and intentional with our offering, for others and ourselves, we benefit all. We foster connection, compassion, and a sense of meaning and purpose.

Whatever we offer—meditation, breath, ritual, prayer, hands-on healing or other expressions—it is our approach and intent that is important. Offering healing from a heartspace of love, for the highest and greatest good, is powerful.

We need to reclaim our power, our unique gifts, our limitless healing capacity and our natural birthright to experience joy and wholeness. Can you imagine the impact within our own lives, communities, and the world if we did so?

Here's what I'm imagining for all of us: We meet each other with love, recognizing “the healer in me meets the healer in you,” able to receive care and healing without giving away our sense of capacity and power, able to offer healing and compassion to others from a place of wholeness.

Does this resonate with you? Below I've got a Peace Offering Breathing Practice for you to try. I'm also teaching a hands-on energy healing class where you can learn to sense, scan, clear and ground your own energy field and also learn simple techniques for energy healing. This is a small, welcoming, no-pressure class. More details and registration here.

Peace Offering Breathing Practice

  1. Seated, standing or walking, allow your focus to gently rest on your breath.

  2. Allow your breath to bring you into the present moment, feel the sensation of the breath.

  3. With your inhale, breathe in healing light energy. You may imagine light descending from the cosmic source above you, washing over you and filling up your body. You may intend or softly think, breathing in universal life force energy.

  4. With your exhale, breathe out healing light energy to all of existence. You may imagine enveloping and filling up the world or universe with healing light. You may intend or softly think, breathing out peace to all of the world.

(photo by Roman Kraft)