New Year Ritual Ideas


1. "Best of"- Make a list of the year's best and most memorable, including events, people you love, and funny things people said and did. 2. "What the H"- Write a reflection of where you were a year ago and what the hell happened in between, complete with the surprises. 3. "A Year From Now"- Make a list of what you want to manifest in your life, or a story or sketch of what you want it to look like. Go beyond limiting thoughts, get excited and make it true to you, then release it. Burning it is a wonderful release. 4. "Dear, Letter"- Write a letter to something or someone that's been on your mind, holding you back, or keeping you stuck. Could be a person, an event from your past, your past or future self, or even a feeling or concept. Be creative; it's the thing that's been trying to get your attention that you've been putting off. After writing it (the intention is not to send it), see if you can release it in a simple ceremony like burning and burying it. 5. Ancestral Offering- Call on your ancestors, as a group or by name. Give thanks to them by offering water to them, and also ashes if you have them. Once you have made the offering (easiest outside in a special place if you have one, scatter the ashes, toss the water), ask for what you need. 6) Clear Your Home- Open all the windows and doors and move from room to room clearing the space. You can use a towel to move energy or a smudge stick like sweetgrass or sage. The intention is to release old and stagnant energy and welcome in fresh air and new beginnings.

Happy Ritual Creating!!